List of Special Sessions

SS1 – Signal Processing for THz Communication and Sensing
Special Session on Signal Processing for THz Communication and Sensing organized by Sundeep Rangan.

SS2 – Signal Processing for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Special Session on Signal Processing for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, organized by Emil Björnsson.

SS3 – Integrated Sensing and Communications
Special Session on Integrated Sensing and Communications, organized by Nuria González Prelcic.

SS4 – Wireless Channel Charting and Localization
Special Session on Wireless Channel Charting and Localization, organized by Olav Tirkkonen and Maxime Guillaud.

SS5 – Intelligence and processing at the edge for next generation networks
Special session on Intelligence and processing at the edge for next generation networks, organized by Aylin Yener.

SS6 – Cell-free Massive MIMO Networks
Special Session on Cell-free Massive MIMO Networks, organized by Luca Sanguinetti.

SS7 – Machine Learning for Communications
Special Session on Machine Learning for Communications, organized by Mario Huemer.

SS8 – ML for PHY – From Theory to Implementation
Special Session on ML for PHY – From Theory to Implementation, organized by Dirk Wübben, Stephan ten Brink, Norbert Wehn and Armin Dekorsy.

SS9 – Signal Processing for Wireless Communications Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Special Session on Signal Processing for Wireless Communications Empowered by Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, organized by George C. Alexandropoulos and Emilio Calvanese Strinati.

SS10 – Machine Learning for Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies
Special Session on Machine Learning for Emerging Wireless Communications Technologies, organized by Nir Schlezinger and George C. Alexandropoulos.

SS11 – Practical Considerations of Multi-Antenna Coded Caching Schemes
Special Session on Practical Considerations of Multi-Antenna Coded Caching Schemes, organized by MohammadJavad Salehi.